Monday, July 13, 2009

Masonic Question for the Week of July 13

#MQW (via @jonruark) What Masonic symbol means the most to you and why?


The Plumbline said...

This is @jonruark. I find myself continuing to fall back to the compasses. Since we are supposed to circumscribe our desires I use them as my conscience to guide the choices I make day to day.

Man, is it hard sometimes too...!

Trenton said...

This is so difficult...I read this question this morning and have been trying to decide all day and have yet to come up with an answer. They all work together so well.

Cardo said...

I am leaning toward the knife and fork. Have to put more thought into my final answer.

Frederic ZL. Milliken said...

I am taking the question seriously.

The most important symbol to me is the Level because it epitomizes one of the most important things about Masonry - that we are all equal, nobody is better than anybody else no matter our religion, race, creed, color, politics, economic circumstances, culture, lifestyle or whatever. We are all on the same level and there are darn few who actually live that - but we as Masons do and I am proud of it.

Greg Stewart said...

Jacob's Ladder.

The journey between states speaks volumes to me, especially as one can travel up and down as they learn or re-learn the lessons in their life.

Cardo said...

I am going to have to give my final answer after thinking about it and doing some reading. I will have to go along with Bro. Milliken and say the level also showing we are all equal but will add levity and ability to laugh throughout our lives as another measure of equality.

Achim said...

This is Achim from Germany. For me it is the Shaking Hands as a symbol for Brotherly Love, because Love is the greatest and it is meaning the most. As you can also read in 1. Cor. 13.