Saturday, March 27, 2010

Annual Communication Wrap-up

Well my brothers, what a fun time I had in Saint Cloud. During my three years as a principal officer of the Lodge, I always look forward to attending the Annual Communication. I see brothers from Lodges around the state and visiting dignitaries around the globe. We are truly a worldwide phenomenon, a Fraternity built upon the principles of Brotherly love, relief, and truth. The knowledge that I have gained from attending these Communications has made me a better leader to my Lodge.

Firstly, I want to wish the Most Worshipful Grand Master, John Cook, a great year. He is a great Mason and has been an inspiration to me as a Masonic leader, passionate about getting our message to good men seeking to be made better men. He has been to Corinthian many times during my years in the Lodge and has always presented thought-provoking words to my brethren. I still have my Warden's Notebook, maintaining a calendar of events, and planning for the future of my Lodge.

The whole cavalcade of brothers from Corinthian Lodge were in attendance including our Secretary. We were able to cover all the break-out sessions and meet as many brothers as we knew and many we didn't. Of course, the "forgetful" Master forgot his nametag again (you know, that little blue plate displayed on my chest in the photo to the left). Thank goodness that I've traveled so often that brothers remembered me. I'm thinking that I should just get my name stitched into my suits. It's great to see these brothers, able to talk shop about their Lodge activities.

This year, my wife attended the open Annual Communication activities with me. The Banquet to the Grand Master was filled with fun, touching presentations, and a great Irish folk band. Although I won't speak for her, I think she had a great time, meeting these guys that I hang out with that she only knew by name.

This was my last Annual Communication as a principal officer of Corinthian Lodge so the whole experience was bittersweet. Yet I know I will be at the next Annual Communication in Saint Cloud, happy to meet all of my brothers and friends again. And of course, my Lodge brothers and I will be traveling like we do each month, meeting new brothers and having new Lodge experiences and trying new things in my Lodge to reinvigorate my Lodge brothers.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Pre-Annual Communication Preparation

The Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Minnesota, A.F. & A.M. will be tomorrow. The Wardens, the Secretary and myself will be making the trek to the Granite City, Saint Cloud, to meet and greet the Masonic community of Minnesota as well as distinguished guests from far off places. The Most Worshipful Grand Master, Tom McCarthy, has been a great light to this jurisdiction and I'm glad to hear and meet him again at this great conclave.

Most Worshipful Brother Tom has been to many, many Lodges during his term as Grand Master, including two trips to my Lodge, Corinthian No. 67. He is a very wise man and a dedicated brother as evidenced by his many posts to his blog, MNGrandMaster09. I have been lucky enough to meet him as well during the formal consecration and installation of officers of one of the two newest Lodges chartered in Minnesota, Sir Winston Churchill Lodge No. 351. I was honored to have hosted the Grand Master at our first ever First Degree/Table Lodge. The event has been recorded in the annals of our Lodge history as one of the best attended functions in the Lodge's history. We had at this event, the Most Worshipful Grand Master, Right Worshipful Brother John Cook, Deputy Grand Master, and Most Worshipful Brother Tom Jackson, Immediate Past Grand Master.

I remember the Grand Master's remarks succinctly, that we are separated from all other groups by our dedication to and knowledge of the ritual and the teachings therein contained. I have taken these words to heart and have asked my Lodge brothers, including non-officers, to take parts and lectures and have asked them to dedicate themselves to learning and understanding the ritual. He has done a great many things for not just my Lodge but Lodge's throughout the state. Most Worshipful Grand Master, thank you.

If you want to meet me at the Communication, just look at the photo to your right. I won't be wearing the top hat but I will be there, excited to see everyone this year, my last year attending as a principal officer of Corinthian Lodge No. 67. We are going to have a fun time.

Oh, oh, oh, almost forgot, my Lodge has now created a Facebook fan page. We will be posting events, photos and other fun stuff. If you want to, fan us up. It's not a group so no authentication is required.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Lodge Tracker 2.0

Wow, I've been away from this whole awesome world of internet Masonry. I checked my last post's date and it appears to have been almost a month prior to this one. Well, great to be back especially since I'm very excited to tell all the brothers of the redux of an excellent website for finding and discussing Lodges throughout the United States, Lodge Tracker.

The website Lodge Tracker is a site I discussed a few months back as a great idea and implementation of that idea. I really thought that this site had great potential as a way to find Lodges not only near you but also when you travel to other states to find a Lodge to visit. The site seemed perfect as it was.

However, this website has now been reduxed and I am now completely impressed with the improvements made. The same format for Lodges has been kept intact including the ability to add all pertinent information for the seeking brothers and seekers alike. The best new feature is the ability to create a profile. Yes, I know it's another social networking thingy but I'm okay with that.

This website redesign is showing great promise. Not only is their the directory angle but also a social networking component. I would suggest that all of you try this website out as it is truly a great resource. You can use it as a tracking site, seeing which Lodges you have visited. It also helps in finding Lodges in those jurisdictions that do not have a Lodge directory on their website or one that is incomplete. Lodge Tracker is US only. I want to thank Bro. Abraham for this awesome site and keep up the good work. Now readers, go populate this site, add your Lodge like I've added my Lodge.