Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Masonic Meme Monday 2/17/2014

As some of you know, I'm on Reddit a lot. I'm actually a mod on the Freemasonry subreddit.

Well, we arrived at a point that we wanted to try something new. That something new is Masonic Meme Mondays, where the sub is opened to memes about the Craft. I will post a few of my favorites each week.

The Masonic Roundtable: Episode 2

I wasn't able to attend but a great discussion about Traditional Observance.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

The Masonic Roundtable: Episode One

I've been asked to be a regular contributor on the Masonic Roundtable, a new YouTube show about Masonry, and I have totally jumped on board. Here's the first episode. I hope you guys like it.

You can find the show on Facebook.

What did you think? Leave a comment below.