Monday, February 15, 2010

Please No Open Flames, Candle with Two Ends Present

If you ask, things will get done. Of course, when I ask for things, I should make sure not to have them all collide into one week of near Masonic overload. This week will probably be the busiest week of my life as a Mason.

Today, I was at the degree practice for the upcoming 2nd degree that we will be having for four brothers coming up tomorrow. I will be giving the full lecture for the 2nd degree (you know, that one), so I've been stuffing (well, more like restuffing) everything I can back from the six months that it's been. I have been practicing for around a month so I hope to truly make this lesson memorable for the brothers. I really enjoy the 2nd degree because well, firstly, I get an attentive ear (captive?) from the candidates as well as creating that all important but often neglected middle step.

On Wednesday, some brothers and myself will be going to _________ Lodge No. ____. I've left it blank just in case the brother in question that we want to surprise reads my blog. I've really wanted to travel to other Lodges and I'm thankful that my Senior Warden, Steve, has been pushing for more travel by the Lodge and I am more than happy to oblige. It's one of my goals to check out all the Lodges in the District and we'll see if that goal is doable.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot to mention, Corinthian Lodge will also be hosting a 4th School of Instruction on Thursday. The 4th School focuses on opening, closing, balloting, and receiving Grand Lodge Officers. We will be fortunate to have our Area Custodian, RWB Brian Beermann, in attendance to help us with improving our work.

Hold on while let out a little primal scream, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! Okay so I feel better now.


Jamie Gorton said...

My mentor was W:.M:. of the lodge I took the 2nd degree in, and he too did the lecture. He happened to be a university lecturer in physics and the President of the school's Phi Beta Kappa chapter. It was a sight to behold. Not a single prompt . . . it's possible!

Good luck, Brother! I'm sure your effort will pay off for the candidates.

M.M.M. from the North Eastern Corner said...

You know Nick,
Us WM's are not supposed to do the heavy lifting after our ascension into the East! You're raising expectations and I have never been able to deliver that particular piece of brilliance. Good Luck!

burntloafer said...

And for the record, our own WM Nick did an exemplary job on 'that' lecture! Not a single missed step, so to speak.

Or so I remember from my fume infested little brain. After learning most of the 2d role for the east, followed by four days of 5:30 am till midnight with regular vocation followed by 'labor', I have pretty much crashed. I can't remember much of what happened, especially the part I had memorized. They tell me I did fine!

What a week.

What a year!

I tell you guys, it is hard for us 'late boomers' to keep up to the Millennial Wonder!

Manfredi said...

!!!!!!!!!!!!De Donde Sacan La Inocencia kate y Gerry MCcann¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡

!!!!!!!!!!!!De Donde Sacan La Inocencia kate y Gerry MCcann¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ !!!Que pinta Remenber en este asesinato y las demostraciones de retratos robot""" PROTAGONISMO y LUCRO"""¡¡¡ !!!OPeración task está en un blog que és Remenber el propietario ¡¡¡ !!!El significado de operacion task proviene de la policia de leicestershire¡¡¡ !!! Qué pinta Remenber con operación task en su blog ¡¡¡ !!!ESTAN DEMASIADO AL CORRIENTE DE LOS PASOS DE LA POLICIA EL PORTAVOZ DE LOS MCCANNN¡¡¡ !!! QUE PASA QUE LOS ASESINOS ES EL MUNDO Y LOS CULPABLES SON INECENTES¡¡¡ !!!Que pinta Remenber en este asesinato¡¡¡ . !!!Porque un portavoz¡¡¡ !!! y portavoz de que¡¡¡ Lo que estan haciendo es poner al corriente de las investigaciones al portavoz de los MCcann. Remenber angel de la muerte, Este señor no pinta nada entre las investigaciones de los MCcnann y la voz que puede aportar es el deseo absoluto de los MCcann las investigaciones operacion task tienen que estar muy lejos del alcance de este trio opracion task es un fraude y Máfia organizada corrupción...
!!!!!!!De adonde sacan los corruptos, la inocencia de los MCcann el sargento de scotland yard según dijo, le da la inmunidad nacional para no presentarse los MCcann en el juicio de Amaral ex-jefe de la policía lusa. Cuanto tubo que pagar Los MCcann para escuchar semejante burrada considerando que ellos son los asesino entre otras cosas.!!!!!!!"RENÚNCIA DEL CARGO Y DEL CUERPO EL PUESTO DE SARGENTO SE LE HACE MUY GRANDE" ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡

Caso Madeleine McCann - Los McCann solo gastaron el 13,3% del Fondo Madeleine para encontrar a su hija.Visto bueno y despiste de los MCcann cara al mundo y crear fondos...