Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Corinthian Lodge #67 Awards/Widows Night

Corinthian Lodge #67 hosted an open Table Lodge/Awards Night/Widows Night. I had a great amount of fun from toast to toast. We had jokes told by our Worshipful Master, Paul, and a very good presentation by our Area Deputy, James. We honored our Widows with a tribute. We also presented Awards to our brothers for their long service to the Craft. We were even fortunate enough to present a one brother with his 60 Year Award. Oh yeah, and I was named Mason of the Year for 2009.

This is a great honor that has been bestowed upon me by my brothers. I was very shocked to learn that I was earning this great award as I didn't know until thirty minutes before. I am truly honored that my brothers think of me so highly and I promise to continue working to improve our Lodge to continue to earn this honor. As I stood to accept my Award, I thought of what I would say. This is an extremely shortened and paraphrased version of what I said:

Masonry stands at a paradox. We are changing rapidly as new brothers and new ideas enter our Lodges. However, we are also an organization that has remained in its current form for centuries. What do we do? I believe that it is to allow exploration to occur but it must always be in the back of all brother's minds the ancient nature of this Fraternity. We truly have our work and our rewards ahead of us.

On an unrelated note, I passed the Bar Exam.


Jose Ruah said...

congrats for both the award and the bar exam.

Tom Accuosti said...

Woot! Nice work, Bro.

Although, I have to admit that you look... much... um, older than I had pictured you.

And who's the kid on the left you're shaking hands with?

James McNeely said...

Congrats!!!!! All the hard work paid off. Now get back in the quarries and finish earning your reward.

It was a great night and you have worked very hard for the craft. As I said on Friday night Corinthian Lodge is very fun and easy to talk about.

The Palmetto Mason said...

I echo the congratulations for both the award and the bar exam. I am going to quit typing now since I know lawyers charge for their time.

wade said...

Bro. Nick:

Congratulations on earning the award from your lodge and also on passing the bar exam. I'm a "bit" older than a millenial, but I enjoy your blog. You have lots of great insights for all of us.

Wade Sheeler