I am not the only blogger from the Grand Lodge of Minnesota, AF&AM. In fact, we have three other brothers that participate in Masonry on Internet. These brothers have many different qualities and offer many great insights into the world of Masonry.
It may be unfair to call this first brother's website a blog as he has published it as a monthly email newsletter since '99 but I think it is always important to point out the work that is done on one of my favorite sites, Cinosam especially when discussing Minnesota Masonry online. The first brother is a past Grand Master of Minnesota and the current Grand Orator of the Grand Lodge of North Dakota, Most Worshipful Brother Neil Neddermeyer. I have discussed Cinosam previously but I still think that it is worth noting how great the resources that an interested brother can find are. MW Bro. Neddermeyer has written much on the subject of Masonic revival and in fact, is the Chairman of the Masonic Renewal Committee for the Conference of Grand Masters of Masons in North America. He is a brilliant philosopher of the Craft and has contributed much to my Masonic education. I suggest if you are a Masonic officer or have been nominated to be an officer, get prepared now with the resources on his site.
The second brother is the Southeast Area Deputy of the Grand Lodge of Minnesota, Worshipful Brother James McNeely. W Bro. James writes the SE Area Travels blog and has proven to be the best Area Deputy we in the Southeast could have hoped for. His blog presents a day in the life of a very active Brother dedicated to helping the Lodges of the Southeast succeed, from the small town Lodges to the large Lodges of the Rural centers. W Bro. James is also the Junior Warden of Educational Lodge #1002 which has been incredibly active in the study of Masonry. I find W Bro. James has been very encouraging for my Lodge and I as we began our renewal as a strong successful Lodge. In fact, W Bro. James has encouraged me to begin my journey to become a certified lecturer. I really believe that with leaders like W Bro James, Masonry has all the tools they need to survive and thrive.
The third brother that I would like to feature is relatively new to the Masonic blog scene. Worshipful Brother Olaf Kuhlke is a Geography Professor who has written a very insightful book (which I have written about before) and has presented many of his theories of the Craft to Lodges throughout the State. I was fortunate to have seen W. Bro. Kuhlke's presentation on the connection of Freemasonry and one's inner self and it was, in a word, insightful. Now, he has decided to present his ideas through a blog entitled Dr. K's Masonic Blog. I really want to thank W. Bro. Olaf for having brought his ideas to the Internet and I hope you will find his blog as insightful as I do. If you are looking for erudite discussions on Freemasonry, look no further than Dr. K's Masonic Blog.
All three of these brothers have dedicated their lives to Freemasonry and I salute all of them for their efforts. When I look at the great intelligence displayed by these brothers, I began to remember how young and new to the Craft I really am. I know that I have much to learn from each of them in the study of Freemasonry and would like to thank all of them for their dedication to the Grand Lodge of Minnesota, AF & AM. I hope to spotlight more brothers in this State who have taken it upon themselves to help Freemasonry grow in numbers or through wisdom.
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