I saw Bro. Kuhlke at the 2008 Minnesota Grand Lodge Communication in Duluth and found the subject of Geography and Freemasonry to be fascinating. I am very excited to see such an interesting and knowledgeable speaker and I would like to encourage all brothers in Minnesota to attend this great event.
For those who don't know what a Friendship Night is, it is a way for our Lodge to open up to perspective candidates and give them a chance to meet Brothers and allow them to make an informed decision on joining. If you know any men who live in the Southern Suburbs of Minneapolis-St.Paul who are interested in Freemasonry or you yourself are interested in joining and you live in the area, please contact me and I will give you directions to the Farmington Masonic Temple. Friendship Night will also be a potluck so be sure to bring a dish for all of us to share. I hope to see you there.
1 comment:
Nick - you have done us a great service. This should be a very interesting talk, and I look forward to Tuesday night.
It happens too often, but our schedules get really packed; I had planned to skip this night. Once again, my young friend, you have provided the incentive for me to 'do the right thing'.
I may only get the chance to bring Oreos, but I will make it there.
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