Friday, June 20, 2008

100th Anniversary of Cornerstone laying at South Dakota Capitol

After one hundred years, the Grand Lodge of South Dakota has rededicated the cornerstone at the State Capitol building. According to the story, the time capsule was from 1907 and was opened to the public.

I was lucky enough after only being in my Lodge for a few months to participate in a cornerstone laying ceremony for a new hospital wing in Winona. It is one of the most amazing ceremonies I have seen. The spectacle displayed is truly amazing. If any of the younger brothers have an opportunity to attend a cornerstone laying, attend it.


Radcliffe said...

Any pcitures to this event?

Millennial Freemason said...

I have not seen any pictures on the Grand Lodge website or in any of the news sources that have a pictures. I will keep a diligent search. I did, however, found that the South Dakota Historical Society has an old photograph of the original dedication. I will post the link here.