As I noted in my last post, I have been installed as the Master of Corinthian Lodge #67 in Farmington, MN. However, as of this Monday, I am now a Past Master. I know what you're thinking, "Say what?!" (I guess he thinks we're from 1995.) That's right, I was installed on Sunday afternoon, and then I received my Virtual Past Master degree from Corinthian Chapter #33.
The Virtual Past Master degree is an oddity. Originally, in England, only a brother that had served as a Master of a Lodge could be honored as a Royal Arch Mason. Royal Arch, or Holy Royal Arch as it is known in England, originally was under the auspices of the Grand Lodge. When the Chapters eventually became independent, so many brothers wanted to take part in the Royal Arch degree that they needed a way around the Past Master's requirement. Hence, the Virtual Past Master's degree was born to avoid the no innovation problem.
I'm continually amazed by the great degree work performed by the companions at Corinthian Chapter. I love being a candidate learning new lessons and continually rounding out my Masonic education. Whether brothers realize it or not, Chapter is a fascinating place to grow as a Mason. The lesson of the Past Master's degree is focused on the idea of leadership and good governance. In fact I was reminded as I went through the degree of Spider-man, "With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility."
As I take the actual Oriental Chair of my Lodge, I have found these lessons important, a great reminder of what I need to do to help my Lodge. As I start this new year, I am ever more excited to guide my Lodge to better success in the south Metro.
Congratulations and best wishes, Worshipful - and Companion.
Royal Arch has quite a different 'feel' which you'll see more of as you go further on your journey. I wish I'd joined it much sooner in my Masonic career.
Look well to the East!
Thank you Worshipful Brother Ed. I really like being a candidate again. The Royal Arch is great as it is local, that's its greatest strength. I just hope more brothers discover Royal Arch.
Congratulations, Worshipful Brother, and, mindful of an old article "Sand in the Gears", may you not end your year with "It was a good year, nothing happened!"
TP, PM Constellation Lodge 2002-2003
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