Friday, March 9, 2012

UGLE's "The Future of Freemasonry" Report

As noted in the BBC News' article from yesterday, the United Grand Lodge of England has released a report today concerning the state of Freemasonry and its future in the country of England. You can read the report above.

What do you think? Leave a comment below.


Jack said...

Yawn. Just a pat-on-the-back piece. It took 44 pages to say "we are lots of things to lots of people, we like it that way," or, to paraphrase Stuart Smalley, "We're good enough. We're smart enough. And doggone it, people (except the BBC) like us."

The Plumbline said...

Ah, sorry, I hadn't got to this posting yet. I like how it kinda compliments the Laudable Pursuit.

MasonerĂ­a en Mendoza said...

Dear brothers,
With great pleasure, we have reviewed the contents of your site, finding substantial information regarding our ORDER, content that no doubt will enhance our Masonic collections. A strong and fraternal hug from Mendoza, Argentina.
MasonerĂ­a en Mendoza:

David Walker said...

Anything that improves openness ad accountability in Freemasonry is to be welcomed. There remains a considerable amount of work to be done to reconcile the public perception of Freemasonry with the reality of Freemasonry. I welcome the strides that have been made over recent years and look forward to seeing further progress.