In Minnesota, Grand Master McCarthy has made mentoring the cornerstone of his plans for this year. I believe that this is truly the most laudable pursuit that we, as Masons, can do. My Grand Lodge has begun a very extensive plan to mentor brothers which will not only provide support for the brothers of Minnesota but also the broader Masonic world.
The program begins with a note from the Mentoring Committee:
Mentoring should never be a single individual’s responsibility. It does notThis is key to Mentorship, making sure that the brother has his expectations met as well as giving us an opportunity to emphasize our values to him in a close brother-to-brother relationship. If you or your Lodge needs a plan to mentor these brothers, try out these resources.
just begin on the night of the first degree, and it better not end on the night
after the third degree (it should be part of our life long journey as a Mason).
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
I want to thank the Mentorship Committee for providing these materials and for all their hard work in their creation. We can do this my brothers, we can provide our candidates with the working tools but it will require our time and dedication to teach them their uses.
Is this an official GL document which doesn't know the difference between the words 'altar' and 'alter'?
Oh, Justa - I'm shirr that they used spiel cheek.
Aside from the few spelling mistakes, the resources compiled really help prepare mentors to do the best job that they can do. The number of deceased brothers is quickly being overshadowed by the number of demits and NPDs making retention the number one goal facing Masonry today. I will be using these materials in my Lodge and I hope more Lodges will began using them as well.
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