Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Masonic Matrix: Another Way to Find Lodges

Corinthian 67

There seems to be a new outgrowth of Masonic Lodge locator websites cropping up on the Internet these days. Today's entry is Masonic Matrix. Masonic Matrix allows users to submit their Lodge information. Masonic Matrix does have the advantage of allowing the submission of Lodges from the whole of North America. Also, those Lodges outside of North America can be added through the contact form under the contact tab. Masonic Matrix also allows Grand Lodge headquarters and Shrine Temples to be identified. Masonic Matrix does not allow as much information as Lodge Tracker, such as the ability to post meeting times, Masonic affiliation and a Lodge building photo. Yet, Masonic Matrix allows users in Canada, and other countries to post their Lodge location and website. Both Lodge Tracker and Masonic Matrix present a very interesting proposition in Freemasonry, that brothers should travel to Lodges wherever they go and have the information they need to find them.


I am hoping that with the growth of this social networking style to Lodge locating, the desire to travel from one Lodge to another will increase. It is an unfortunate reality that brothers do not travel to other Lodges. I am sadly within this group of non-travelers, but I promise, "I can change!"  However, with the increase of these websites, I think brothers can feel that they are truly a part of the greater Masonic world. (Remember to check with your individual Grand Lodge about traveling as the policies differ from Grand Lodge to Grand Lodge, especially in matters of international Masonic travel.)

1 comment:

FD2L said...

This is a great tool, I might see if there is a lodge meeting next week when I am in Hawaii!