Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Using Facebook to Connect Brothers

Social networking has grown incredibly fast. Websites from Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, etc. have given people the ability to connect in new and exciting way. According to Facebook, they have more than 70 million users. Currently, Google has created a service known as Google Friend Connect is giving people who run websites to have their entire social network be given an invitation to check your website. It is important that we, as Freemasons, understand these Social networks not to get new brothers but to keep the members informed. Millennials are enthralled with this kind of technology and will help them stay active in the lodge. Lodges owe it to all generations to understand what all generations are looking for in Masonry.


Jeff said...

Bro, I'm sorry its taken me so long to take notice of your blog. I have just added you to the aggregator at KingSolomonsLodge.org and, will be looking out for you on FaceBook.

Zviadi said...

you just don't understand what the freemasonry is all about. You were fooled!