Squares Upon Theirs
A pessimistic tale of the craft.
by Herpes Quadmatestes
A man was curious about a
building of brick,
He'd think and he'd wonder
until he got sick,
So many times that he actually
Into the building to talk and
to vent.
He was greeted by a few smiles
on geezers
Who had to take breaks in
between their great wheezers.
The old men all sat in a huddle
to find
The same type of men to fit the
right kind
Of a mold that was cast
Far in the past,
With morals and trust who would
do it all right,
Who wouldn't complain or put up
a fight,
When the secrets were told and
the beans were all spilled,
And the dues were collected and
coffers were filled.
With greenbacks, dollars,
shillings and a mark,
You'll have a fraternity with
men who are still in the dark.
They lure you in, and give you
a committee
It's only too late when you
smell something $h!##y.
Where was the good stuff? The
truth and the lore?
All there ever is are the
minutes and what's more,
Is the complete lack of
education I say,
And the geezers just grumble
and then walk away.
They say that we're here to
make good men better,
But all they do is collect
money by letter.
Please give us money for this
and for that,
The only thing I seem to be
getting is fat.
It's so true that I've gained
pound after pound,
Sitting in lodge has made me
quite round.
Now I might know why these men
never leave,
It's hard to imagine, so hard
to conceive,
But imagine if you will, if you
A place that can't change, a
place that is ran…
By men with their thinkers that
have all gone out,
By men and by geezers concerned
about clout.
titles, titles galore,
But to you and to me it’s really a bore.
Men looking for something,
anything to gain,
But all it causes the brothers,
is great pain.
Not physical, but mental for
that is that.
All those guys running, chasing
a white hat.
Or purple or gold or red or for
But nothing's awarded to the
men who do,
The real work, the ones who
Nothing would happen, ever, no doubt.
They work in the quarries with
unsung praise
Year after year and days after
Until one day they become a
past master,
And they realize the new guys
are a total disaster.
Nothing's changed in the years
since you joined,
You've had wishes and plans and
things you have coined,
But nothing, no nothing will
make it down range,
Nothing no nothing will ever,
ever change.
It once was something you
thought you could mold
Back to the thing in which you
were told,
Was the heyday of masonry with
vigor and vim,
But that new guy, that young
guy over there? Screw him.
He thinks he will move and
change things a bit,
Not before us past masters have
all thrown a great fit.
Well break him, we'll show him
just what it means…
To be a Freemason and all it's
great scenes.
We'll decode them and show him
a fanciful ruse,
By the time he finds out we'll already
have the dues.
Year after year had passed on
If anyone told you things
changed, it’s a lie
one day the past masters all died,
And the young men that had always
To change the lodge to make it
new and great
Suffered until they met the
same fate.
No matter the kind of lodge
that you've got,
T. O., or Clandy or Regular
it's not
Going to last any longer than
Of other persuasions, they'll
lock up and close.
That is why when the kids today
I pour my coffee and take out
the flask,
I pour some old granddads label
that’s red
And I tell them the craft might
as well be dead.
The good old days were here and
now gone,
The sun is dropping, it’s no longer dawn.
It's setting down and will rise
no more,
And then the last lodge too, will shut its front door.
It will fade into history and
the candle once lit,
Will be a reminder of the words
once writ
It once was a beautiful and a
colorful thing,
But now it's been broken and
clipped in the wing.
It's doomed and it's done and
all the men said,
This thing will be over just as
soon as we're dead.
For they were the very last of
their kind,
Of a noble thing, left so far
A thing that was great and had
a good chance,
To stay current and fruitful
and dance the great dance.
But it all fell apart, right at
the seams,
When the old ones didn't let go
and stuck with their schemes.
So in the yard where rocks have
the words,
Are the last remnants and
herald the birds,
On tombstones and plaques which
bare the great sign,
Of a once thriving idea, of not
yours and not mine…
But for all of humanity to
study and to see,
What once was great and could
have been yours, for a fee.
Thanks go to Quadmatestes for a very interesting poem. I'm sure some of you are offended but I do believe in giving all Masons a voice, even those feeling disaffected by our Gentle Craft. All voices need to be heard. Comments? Post them below.
This is a fun and hilarious poem, but let us not forget it has a serious meaning. May we ever remember we need to mentor and be mentored. Even the past masters and grand masters must stay mold able and willing to be mentored, and through open minds and ideas, our craft will profit. Never be the same man you were, even yesterday. If you think you know everything, you know nothing!
Just too many points in this rant to bother addressing.
This is pessimistic indeed! Beginning with the "unusual" nom de plume. While there are certainly shortcomings in the fraternity that should be addressed before it's too late, it's a shame that such a young member(assuming that from the copy) is so jaded.
Perhaps he has not found himself a lodge that is a good fit for his incredible talents and initiative that is totally devoid of pesky Past Masters and "geezers."
Mahatma Gandhi said, “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” He struggled mightily and succeeded - and without a lot of whimpering.
The only thing worse than a grumpy old Mason is a young butthurt one with internet. This is not only uncalled for, it is also badly written. I am not sure what's worse for me. Take the time to look inside yourself and see what alchemy might occur in you if you loved your brothers, even when you don't like them. The writer chooses to do damage upon the damage already done. Any man can destroy, but few can build. Be a builder.
Brilliant. Wonderful poem and strong, important message! Also, excellent blog, brother!
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