Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Children's Hospital at the University of Minnesota to be Renamed "the University of Minnesota Masonic Children’s Hospital"

From http://www.uofmchildrenshospital.org/
In recognition of the $25 million gift made by Minnesota Masonic Charities, the University of Minnesota Children's Hospital (formerly Amplatz Children’s Hospital), will now be named the University of Minnesota Masonic Children's Hospital. 

From the article:

When adding the Masonic Charities’ donation to $75 million it gave to support cancer research and care since 2008 and additional gifts it made over the past six decades, the Masons’ total support of the university tops $125 million.

Great job, Minnesota Masonic Charities.

If you would like to donate, visit http://www.shop.mnmasoniccharities.org/


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