I received something quite interesting in the mail recently. Minnesota Council #34, Knight Masons of Rochester Minnesota had invited me to join their venerated organization. For those of you who don't know about the York Rite invitational bodies, the York Rite has a number of different related and associated Masonic bodies. These bodies are only accessible through an invitation. As you can probably guess, I am honored and humbled by my brothers.
The Knight Masons are a set of degrees, known as the Green Degrees because of their Irish origins. The degrees were historically worked in either lodges or more commonly, in preceptories in Ireland. You can read more about the Knight Masons at the main site or for a real great local body site, check out the Chicago-area Council, Saint Bridget Council No. 23's site.
My day started with my best impression of James Bond (this degree is tux required). I don't get to travel to the city of Rochester very often. It's a beautiful town, most famous for two brothers, who were also brother Masons, the Mayos, founders of the world famous Mayo Clinic.

When we arrived, I had no idea what to expect. My first honorary degree was actually a chair degree, the Order of High Priesthood. The Order of High Priesthood is a very interesting degree that provides many lessons for the Past High Priest. I really enjoyed myself at that one. But again, it was a chair degree; this was invitational.
There were many Masons there I knew so I was in good hands. The degrees were very interesting to me. They added more to my understanding of the previous degrees I had seen in Masonry, particularly the Royal Arch. Plus, the swag was pretty cool too.
From what I've learned, we refer to each other as "Cousin." I've also learned that "Cuz" is not an acceptable replacement. I'm honored that my Cuzz... Cousins have accepted me into this venerable institution. I hope to serve as best I can.
Sorry for the lack of information. I'm still trying to understand and add these degrees to the pantheon of Masonic degrees that I have seen. I want to thank all the brothers who were at the meeting. It was fun and interesting.
Congratulations Brother! I just received an invitation from a Council in Washington (nearest one to me). Internet high-five!!
-Bro Barry
Back at you Brother. They are great degrees.
Warmest congratulations to you my Brother! All the best and God-speed as you travel deeper into the Light.
I would like to invite you to visit my Masonic blog, The Blazing Star. I hope you enjoy it and find it of worth!
Bro. Anthony Mongelli, Jr.
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