Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Faribault Installation in Local Paper

The Faribault Daily News has published a story on Faribault Lodge No. 9's officer installation. Worshipful Master Jimmy has been installed as Master for this year and Worshipful Brother David has been installed as LEO. The Most Worshipful Grand Master of Masons in Minnesota, Most Worshipful Brother John Cook, was the installing Master which is a great honor for any Master.

If you have never met Worshipful Master Jimmy, you need to meet him. He is one of the hardest working brothers in the state and his wife and he are extremely involved in Job's Daughters in the state of Minnesota serving on the Grand Guardian Council.

If you have never been to Faribault Lodge No. 9, you need to make a trip down there. The brothers are quite gracious and very knowledgeable on Masonic subjects. I remember my last trip there very well as we came to claim the Faribault sword. It was an honor to have sat in the East with Worshipful Brother David at that communication. These brothers are bringing Masonic light back to Faribault. Faribault No. 9 meets the 2nd Monday of each month, except June, July, and August.

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